Monday, December 24, 2012

'Do I Wait' for Christmas

Really disappointed with the UK weather at the moment. I read somewhere that the gulf stream has shifted? Well it needs to shift back! Either way ..... it seems to be either bucketing down or blowing a gale, neither of which is conducive to getting out there with my binocs and camera - bad news and it gets worse for you guys who read this thing because that means I get my guitar out and sing!

oh yes and its CHRISTMAS so do have a good one everybody!
I intend to drink and eat far too much than is good for my body and then purge myself with a Boxing Day tramp somewhere where I can't see any tinsel, turkey, baubles or brandy ..... love some snow though!

Ok here's the music. Its a song by the great Ryan Adams called 'Do I Wait' and I'm planning on including this song when I venture into the open mike scene in York in the New Year so by all means tell me what you think.


  1. Wonder where I could find a Boxing Day tramp - blonde for preference!

  2. Well I guess you try looking on some 'common' ground? Good luck Duncan!

  3. Stay dry during your Boxing Day walk. Have a Good Xmsa Tim, look forward to reading more during the coming year.

  4. Have a great Christmas Tim. We're going out for a picnic on Boxing Day - to somewhere where we'll see some birds - probably!

  5. So cute .. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ahead..

  6. moved to tears! in the fetal position. love you paps x

  7. Lol .... just read last reply. JD induced fetal position was it and is this Sophie or Ruth? Love you both and hope the New Year sees you both suitably recovered!!
