Monday, November 5, 2012

Out and about in North Lincs and Blacktoft Sands

Out and about with me birding pal Mark today around the fields and drains nr the River Torne in North Lincolnshire and then on to Blacktoft Sands RSPB nature reserve. Not a particularly spectacular day for the birds but a fine crisp day weather wise with bright sunshine and blue skies for the most part, it even got semi warm in the sun at midday!

Just a few selected pics here from the day.

Little Grebe on the River Torne

Great Spotted Woodpecker in Haxey Turbery, nr Wroot
Mark pole dancing!

I 've wanted some decent photographs of Tree Sparrows for ages but few and far between in my neck of the woods so it great to see about 20 of them together along a hedgerow at Blacktoft Sands reserve. This is a nice little group of the far prettier cousin of our common or garden House Sparrow (pic left)

Water levels were high on the reserve so not much in the way of wading birds, not much at all really but we did catch maybe 8 Marsh Harriers coming in to roost and a gigantic flock of about 2000 Pink Footed Geese overhead in one flock! They roost at Reede Island in the Humber and clearly their numbers have been swelled by winter visitors from Northern Europe. No pics of either I'm afraid, it was getting too dark by then but earlier we'd seen some decent sized flocks of Snipe which kept flying around (pic right) and this pair of Common Teal looked good in the evening sun (pic below)

We came across this small church, the church of St Pancras in the village of Wroot and a combination of some good light, good aspect and just the way the gravestones were situated and casting shadows was attractive and needed a photograps or 3 .... here's the best one.

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