Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A cold snap with plenty of snow in the Vienne

Freezing cold it might be here in the Vienne but you know what? This cold snap and heavyish snow fall (I reckon about 5 centimetres) has certainly brought a bit of vim n vigour to the land ... a bit of real Winter weather instead of all this namby pamby grey, damp nonsense!
So, out with the camera and binocs this morning and was rewarded with some reasonable snow pics, a selection of which are below

Plenty of birds about in the local fields and allotments, all foraging like mad for food in order to survive the cold snap. The usual variety of small birds - Reed Buntings, Greenfinch, Yellowhammers and Cirl Buntings ..... and here's one of each (can you tell which is which?

A fair number of Lapwings on the move, with about 200 over in total and whereas that could be expected in cold weather, I was surprised to see Common Cranes on the move also with 3 small flocks overhead and heading south west. I think this must represent a small population of over wintering birds somewhere to the north of here that tend to wander around from time to time in search of suitable grazing. Good to see anyway and got a few decent pics.

Back in the garden and the feeding frenzy that surrounds my bird feeders! Do hope you're all being kind to the birds if it's Winter where you are and if you want any tips on how best to help wild birds in Winter try this site http://www.rspb.org.uk/advice/helpingbirds/feeding/

Here's a couple of snaps out of the window at the barn, one of a Chaffinch on the ground and other a rather well fed looking Goldinch! Neither of these pics came out very well, not sure why but maybe shooting from inside has confused the light sensor on my camera.

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