Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Valley of the Monkeys & Autumn Reflections

One of my twin daughter's Sophie was over here a few weeks back for a good 'chill out' 2 weeks and on the recommendation of a friend of a friend we took a trip out to a nearby animal sanctuary called La Valle des Singes (Valley of Monkeys).

It was a good recommendatioon! Unlike many animal parks & zoos I've wandered through, La Valle des Singes is a refreshingly 'un-stage managed' and friendly reserve (and no I'm not on their payroll!), with a vast area of land in which monkeys of many species roam free in the trees. Ok it's not an all singing all dancing safari park ... its just monkeys, but to see so many of our closest relatives (sorry bruv!) swinging across the branches was just brilliant and if you're ever in the area I'd highly recommend a visit.

Photographer's dream of course and although an unseasonal downpour cut short our visit here are a few 'monkey pics' for you to enjoy daughter would know all of the correct names for these but I think we have some Capuchins, Chimpanzees & Lemurs here

I took a few more and the complete gallery will be available to view on Flickr just as soon as I get around to uploading it!

Meanwhile, and bang up to date we seem to have moved into the month of Octobre! How did that happen then? Bet you can't wait for my first weekly bird report from still sunny mid west France, well don't get too excited , all in good time .... it still feels like high Summer here (25c today) but Autumn is definitely upon us, that grandest of all seasons ... regeneration time, nature going to sleep, casting off this year and building for next!

I've had a wonderful Summer for all sorts of reasons but I do love Autumn. Some idiot once suggested that Autumn is just about things dying off and that it suited my general aptitude ... we parted company soon after said suggestion! So, for all that lament the passing of another Summer, here are a few images of  early Autumn in my neck of the woods.

Wonderful strong colours .... are we ruddy for next year?

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