Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back from Blighty!

Yes I know, not many posts recently but Baggins has been back in the UK and with 6 days, lots of folk to see and things to do, the blog had to take a back seat.

It was great to see my 2 girls looking so well, parents buoyant after yet another cruise, my sister coming on a treat with her guitar playing and her partner doing likewise on his double bass (can't wait to get them back over here so we can start gigging again!) and of course my lovely girlfriend Gabrielle – funny and beautiful as ever!

Set off back to France in new vehicle I bought over here, a 2nd hand Astra estate with LPG fitted - a snip at £640! I departed at 6pm Wed and took the pic (above) of York Minster looking splendid in the sun just after I set off. 18hrs later I was taking Baloo out for a stroll around the fields of La Macherie and here's a pic (right) of said new car doing its job ....getting Baggins out n about!
Whilst I was in the UK I caught up with my best pal Mark  and here's a thing – we only had an hour or 2 birding and ended up tramping around Sherwood Forest at Edwinstowe. Great place, some of the oak trees there are said to be 800 yrs old and they looked it. Anyway, there we were scanning the skies and as well as nabbing a flock of 35 Fieldfares & 15 Redwings over from the North, we spotted a completely naked man strolling along one of the forest tracks! All very bizarre and not a little unsettling for the middle aged couple who we also spotted walking the other way! Why was this man naked I ask myself? Well my friends, there is a small but growing number of 'ramblers come naturists' across Europe that are trying to promote some kind of ancient right to roam free in one's birthday suit – so bare that in mind next time you step out for a Sunday stroll I the woods! 
Treated myself to a new guitar whilst back in ole blighty – and here it is (pic right) sat next to my other baby … always wanted a decent jazz guitar and have to say it plays like a dream!

Stay tuned, going to try and post more snippets of the ordinary and sometimes not so ordinary adventures of of an ordinary bloke enjoying his retirement!

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